
Better relationships lead to better communities.

Community Renewal offers education and opportunities for building better relationships, because better relationships lead to better communities.

How It Works

  • We Care. Team

    A network of people building intentional relationships where they live, work, and play.

  • We Care. Campus

    Local school and family partnerships growing the next generation of competent and compassionate adults.

  • The Friendship House

    A home in an under-resourced neighborhood growing connection, caring, and trust.

What is Community Renewal?

[This work] is transforming the culture. The impact is a lasting one that will live beyond the time that our students walk our hallways or attend our classes.
— Dr. April Grace | Superintendent, Shawnee Public Schools
If you are not involved in [Community Renewal] you should check it out. Get to know your neighbors. Help build relationships and trust where you live. It makes for a better community!
— Mayor Ed Bolt | Award-Winning Block Leader

What Happens to a Relational Movement During a Pandemic?